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"I wish we had a way to trace requests through all our microservices without drowning in logs."

That's a quote from a developer. I mean, it's a quote we can attribute to most developers.

Software has become increasingly complex. You went from a single application running on IIS to a distributed system. Even then, you are expected to deliver more with even more quality.

You can't rely anymore on a single log file and your memory. You've got to make sure you know what is going on across your system.

That's why you need Observability. Or, let's be specific, you need OpenTelemetry.

How OpenTelemetry can help

How much easier would your job be if:

  • you could see the end-to-end flow of a request
  • you could know which query is running slow
  • you could observe the performance impacts of a change
  • you could be alerted that a feature is causing an error spike
  • you could do more!

Sounds amazing. Don't you agree?

That's why you need OpenTelemetry.

How to instrument .NET Applications with OpenTelemetry

In this course, I'll introduce you to OpenTelemetry.

I'll explain the principles, how it works, how to add it to your applications and how to customize it.

You'll see a ton of code, so then you can easily apply it to your projects.

At the end of this, you'll know your systems so much better.